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March 12-14, 2025 | Las Vegas, Nevada

A New Era of Global Wellness

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March 12-14 Las Vegas, Nevada

Calling all Media

Whether you are a member of the trade or consumer media, we invite you to attend The HFA Show complimentary. 

Media Pass

With your media pass, you can:

  • Visit more than 400 exhibitors in the trade show, which will showcase new fitness technology, innovative products and programs, and world-class services.
  • Access early morning workouts and invigorating group exercise classes taught by leading instructors.
  • Attend inspiring keynote addresses, enlightening education sessions, and essential networking events.

In exchange for your complimentary pass, we ask that you agree to do the following: 

  • Post content on your website and/or in your print product at least two months in advance of the event. The content must share details about the show and how to register for it. 
  • Share that content on social media, tagging us.
  • After the event, produce and post/publish content about The HFA Show and share it with your audience within two months of the conclusion of The HFA Show.
  • Send links to the pre- and post-event content you produce to  pr@healthandfitness.org