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March 12-14, 2025 | Las Vegas, Nevada

A New Era of Global Wellness

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Exhibit The HFA Show 2025

Connect with thousands of qualified buyers

The premier health and fitness show

The HFA Show attendees represent iconic brands with serious purchasing power. They are also diverse, ranging from companies with just one location, to those with hundreds of facilities. Your solutions are critical to help them innovate and remain successful in an ever-changing, hyper-competitive industry.

For information about exhibiting, email Luke Ablondi at lablondi@healthandfitness.org 

Activated Buyers

Looking for new products

Attendees visit The HFA Show to make important purchasing decisions for their business:

  • 75% of The HFA Show attendees visit the exhibit hall to seek out new products and innovations
  • 55% connected with suppliers they would not have otherwise met


The Right People

The HFA show features serious buyers with purchasing power and the authority to close deals:

  • 77% of attendees make the final purchasing decision or are influencers
  • 63% of attendees own more than one facility

An Exclusive Audience

New Opportunities

You won't find the majority of attendees at other shows:

  • 52% have not attended any other show the last two years
  • 33% of attendees have been to the last five editions
  • 36% were new to the 2024 show

The Health and Fitness Association is not organized by a for-profit business like other industry shows:

The Health and Fitness Association is a nonprofit trade association representing the health and fitness industry. HFA invests profits from events, sponsorships, and advertising back into the industry to fund education, research, and advocacy. Our goal is to protect, nurture, and grow the health and fitness industry to provide a better business environment to all and make a measurable difference on public health. 

To exhibit, email Luke Ablondi at lablondi@healthandfitness.org


Thank you to our incredible group of 2024 sponsors! Discover 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities.