Event Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming an event volunteer for IHRSA 2024. IHRSA will review and select a limited number of event volunteers.
Volunteers are expected to complete a total of approximately four volunteer hours per day. Volunteers receive a 3-day event registration at no cost in exchange for their time. The hours will be split into shifts. Volunteer roles include:
- Prepper - create event bags for Convention & Trade Show attendees
- Greeter - provide directional guidance and answer basic frequently asked questions
- Session Room/Hall Monitors - attend sessions to support the presenter and check badges. Depending on the session, badges may need to be scanned or lists monitored for entry.
- Writer - those with writing skills may be asked to sit in on sessions and note key takeaways from the content to be repurposed in IHRSA publications
- App Support - support the IHRSA events team with managing the event app