
Lobbying is essential to alter or abolish unfavorable legislation or push positive legislation front and center for lawmakers to pass. The first step is understanding the issues that impact the fitness industry.

In the best interest of health clubs, IHRSA provides information and resources for legislation and regulations that affect health club operations.

In this guide, you’ll find the positions that the IHRSA Board of Directors has established for legislative issues. These positions are regularly reviewed and approved by the IHRSA Board of Directors, and take into account the full spectrum of industry views and serve as the basis for the industry’s lobbying agenda.

The guide covers the positions on issues such as:

  • Automatic renewal of membership contracts,
  • Consumer protection,
  • Biometric data and data privacy,
  • Locker room privacy/gender identity,
  • Sales tax, and more.

This guide serves as a reference to IHRSA’s stance on legislative issues that affect the fitness industry. Visit ihrsa.org for more information. To ask a question or speak with a member of the Government Relations teams, email gr@ihrsa.org.

Download IHRSA’S Legislative Positions: A Quick Reference

“With state and local closures of health and fitness clubs, the COVID crisis has called attention to the power state officials have over the industry. While direr, the government's power to impact your business for good or ill isn't new. These legislative positions, reviewed regularly by the IHRSA Board of Directors, focus on protecting the entire health and fitness industry's interests from government intrusion.”

—Helen Durkin, IHRSA Executive Vice President of Public Policy