Hi Industry Friend,
Since so much is going on at IHRSA and in the U.S. fitness industry these days, I thought it would be helpful to send short news briefs to you more regularly.
My plan is to send a brief recap like this at the start of every week. This one is actually longer (and later) than I envision. But, as you can imagine, it was a newsworthy week.
Please let me know if you think this is helpful.
PR & Image of the Industry
Wise Words from Medical Experts: On Friday, IHRSA launched the first of a series of articles with quotes from medical, academic and public health authorities on why exercise is essential and exercising in clubs with risk mitigation is safe. Robert Sallis, M.D. says "Gyms Can Prevent COVID-19 & Lessen the impact."
“Whatever it takes to get places where people exercise and can be active to open, we have to do it, it's an essential part of life.”
- Dr. Robert Sallis
Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions: On Friday, IHRSA also released a 3-page infographical pdf filled with content, data and stats to dispel the negative health club misconceptions proliferating in the news. While we're getting the data out far and wide, our hope is that clubs use this with their local media and communities.
Letter to 60 Million Members: Last week, the entire industry was invited to send a version of the same 'pro-health club' letter to their membership. The goal was to garner attention for the plight of health clubs with local media. This report on O2 Fitness shows it worked in NC, where clubs are unfathomably still closed. (Unfortunately, I have no idea how many clubs participated in the outreach.)
Federal Updates
Well-Placed Op-Ed: On Saturday, The New York Daily News included the op-ed, An exercise in futility: A refusal to let gyms open will devastate thousands of workers, written by Helen Durkin, IHRSA's EVP of Public Policy. The NY placement is important to get the attention of US Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and his staff.
Industry Relief: While nothing is certain in Washington, D.C. these days, we are operating under the assumption that Congress pass a 4th COVID relief bill in September. Therefore, we are doing all we can to ensure the industry is well-positioned in that event. At this time, the focus of our efforts are:
- A continued push for PR and media coverage in Washington, DC as well as the media markets of key Senate members.
- Direct lobbying to influential Congressional and Senate committee members such as the Senate and House Small Business Committees, the Senate Finance Committee, and the House Ways & Means Committee
- Boosting support for the RESTART Loan Act by actively recruiting co-sponsors and promoting inclusion of the measure in the next relief bill.
IHRSA Updates
Thanks for reading. I'd love your feedback. I foresee sharing more of the above PR and Federal efforts, as well as advocacy efforts at the state level. If you have questions or requests, please let me know.
Best regards,
Meredith Poppler
Vice President, Communications & Leadership Engagement
IHRSA, The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association